Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 74
Chapter Fourteen total words: 3783
Total words for the first draft: 57,631
What I hate: Grocery shopping.
The Good: I got some words done.
The Bad: I feel like working on this novel is like trying to keep Murdock in a bear hug. The problem is I know I can keep a better handle on all the threads, but when I’m working it feels like they are all slipping through my fingers. I was counting on restaurant time to get into the next scene, and slammed up against the “I’ve already covered this” feeling.
Fave line: “He should stay.”
What I'm looking forward to: I need to update the binder I’m keeping the printouts of the chapters in, so I’m going to read it from start to where I am now and hopefully that will make my brain connect with the notes of what to do next.
What I'm not looking forward to: Doing that and grocery shopping and lawsuit entries. :p
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