Monday, May 30, 2011

Tin Man: Prince Metrics Post 04

Tin Man: Prince of the Outer Zone

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 532
Total words for the first draft: 2010
What I hate:A month that flew by.
The Good: No problems with reaching my daily goal.
The Bad: Too much to do with everything!
Fave Ahamo line: “We’re not doing this, Lavender. This is a trip to see our daughter, her husband, and our new grandson, not to score points in political intrigue.”
Fave Galinda line: “She knows exactly what kind of message not greeting us sends. Why would she do that?”
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the floor plans for Kiamoko. I think I’m finally at the point where I can start dealing with what rooms are on which floors. Finish the style sheet. Start chapter two.
What I'm not looking forward to: The rest of the week.

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