Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 0
Chapter Fourteen total words: 3783
Total words for the first draft: 57,631
What I hate: Making it all the way to the paying job before my body really convinces me I feel like crap and shouldn’t be here today.
The Good: After skimming through chapters one through thirteen and roughing out my space map (to be made prettier at a later date when I can afford the software), it dawned on me why it feels like I’m driving with the emergency brake on with this novel. I’m not immersed enough.
Usually, I’m immersed so much, the outline of the plot helps pull me along where I need to be. Due to my constant picking up and letting go of this novel, that immersion has drained away and I’m finally experiencing the dreaded middle. Dreaded middle is feeling all the threads unravel in your hands, your prose feels like dreck, and why the bloody hell did you start this project becomes your new mental question. I have been here for a while.
The Bad: It was hard to wake up this morning, but I just attributed it to bad sleep for the past couple of nights. I usually don’t go back to sleep, but I pulled my ass out of bed, through the commute and to the paying job, where the “I feel like shit and want to sleep” hit full force. After taking all my medication and Tylenols to get rid of headache.
I just packed everything writing related back up. THAT’s how bad I feel. I’m going to give the paying job another thirty minutes and then I’m going home.
Fave line:
What I'm looking forward to: New idea: give myself a day where I have to reread what I have written to work on some background stuff. Filling in the questionnaires for my alien species is a good starting place. I know the sequence of events, so I need to surround myself with details until it’s Zy, Xeryl, and Mealte’s voices I hear.
What I'm not looking forward to: This headache trying to split my head open.
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