Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 255
Chapter Eighteen total words: 537
Total words for the new draft: 74,403
What I hate: I never should have told my mother I’m still writing. It has never been important to her so she has no problem keeping me at her house for hours after I get home from work.
The Good: I read Prentenious Title: How I Went From Writing 2000 words a day to 10000 Words a Day. I don’t expect that amount of results, but her observations on time, excitement, and using a scene outline will help me get through the scenes when I feel like I’m floundering.
The Bad: I’m floundering right now.
Fave line: “I don’t want to calculate the odds out of one thousand six hundred seventy spaceport docks limited to passenger travel of just how many are big enough.”
What I'm looking forward to: Charting uncharted territory. I have a fight scene coming up, but I’m going to outline in the rough draft before expanding it.
What I'm not looking forward to: I have a lot of uncharted territory between me and “the end.”
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