Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 328
Chapter Eighteen total words: 865
Total words for the new draft: 74,731
What I hate: I have to figure out how long I should stay in Baton Rouge after my chiropractic appointments again.
The Good: The scene outline works! Granted, I didn’t get much typed, but writing during supper went super smoothly.
The Bad: I ended up spending too much time in traffic and I have another after-work appointment tomorrow night.
Fave line: Zy bit down on her bottom lip to keep from saying anything out loud, while her brain jumped between “gotcha!” and “we can’t be this lucky.”
What I'm looking forward to: Charting uncharted territory. I have a fight scene coming up, but I’m going to outline in the rough draft before expanding it.
What I'm not looking forward to: I have a lot of uncharted territory between me and “the end.”
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