Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 98
Chapter Eighteen total words: 2162
Total words for the new draft: 76,028
What I hate: Getting stalled.
The Good: I didn’t go shred paperwork today and felt much better. Maybe spending an hour doing that was what made me feel so crappy the other days.
The Bad: Fridays are getting to be just as bad as Monday for getting words written.
Fave line: “I’m sorry I have to do this, Rejeld.”
What I'm looking forward to: Charting uncharted territory. I have a fight scene coming up, but I’m going to outline in the rough draft before expanding it.
What I'm not looking forward to: I have a lot of uncharted territory between me and “the end.”
Page 45 Meme: A meme came into my inbox. Get the nearest book, turn to page 45, and read the first sentence. It will predict your sex life for the year. The closest book was the manuscript, so I figured out which page is page 45 and this is the first sentence: He moved the handkerchief slightly, so she could see the wry smile.
Yeah, I don’t know what kind of sex life that means either.
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*snorts with laughter*
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