Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 290
Chapter Nineteen total words: 3606
Chapter Twenty total words: 858
Total words for the new draft: 89,017
What I hate: Telling myself I will finish this up at home and then not.
The Good: I thought I was through with Chapter 19. Then came a brain wave and I figured out I wasn't.
The Bad: It took two days for my writing grove to resettle after the weekend I had. This does not bode well for me continuing to help out and get my own goals accomplished. :(
Fave line: "All my paintings are abstracts. My still-life's look like abstracts, so why bother setting the stuff out in the first place."
What I'm looking forward to: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! eventually.
What I'm not looking forward to: All the stuff that happens in Chapter Twenty that I skipped over. I don't know if the restaurant scene will go in Chapter Twenty or be pushed back.
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