Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 332
Chapter Nineteen total words: 3601
Chapter Twenty total words: 1190
Total words for the new draft: 89,349
What I hate: I have no idea why I'm so sleepy.
The Good: Now I'm sure I've finished Chapter 19. The scene is much stronger now with the brain wave and transitions into the last scene of the chapter better than it had before.
The Bad: I feel like I'm so far behind because I worked so little this week.
Fave line: Sithna frowned so hard at that bottle Zy lifted it up so she could see it better.
What I'm looking forward to: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! eventually. Now add Dark Shadows; what? I like Tim Burton creepy.
What I'm not looking forward to: All the stuff that happens in Chapter Twenty that I skipped over. I don't know if the restaurant scene will go in Chapter Twenty or be pushed back.
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