Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 2030
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 111223
What I hate about my writing: Nothing. Who knew getting rid of the stress would be so productive?
The Good: I finished the M.A. Exam Part 2! So now I can come back to this text.
The Bad: My deadline was set for May 22. According to the word count spreadsheet, I’ll hit the word count on June 10th actually.
Fave Cain line: “I think,” he said slowly as he set the piece of paper back on the desk, “I’m old-fashioned and would like a ceremony to go along with this. Why don’t you want one?”
Fave Malachite line: “I know how hard it is dealing with a parent who is convinced their way is the only way.” His gaze drifted to the wall that stood in front of his father’s quarters. “And it gets worse when they have the power to manipulate the pieces of your life like playing pieces on a chessboard.” DG pressed her lips together as his gaze returned to her. “There’s only one way to survive and be happy. Don’t play chess when it’s not your strength; play dodge ball instead.”
Fave DG line: “And me without any platinums,” she giggled at his glare. “What happened? I thought you were just going to sit on the beach with Betsy and the kids.”
Fave Betsy line: “It’s different from pirate leadership. You usually have to maim someone to get some respect.”
Fave Sprite line: “Won’t fit. Kingsport close to full.”
Fave Treasure line: “Me want cookie too.”
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out if I have to write the Faulkner paper or not. Getting through the transition so Malachite can give DG some political training, meeting Jeb again, finding Komiko, sprinkling some smut in all that, and confrontation with the Queen.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finding out if I have to write the Faulkner paper or not.
What I did to get through the readings for Beloved: It went much smoother when I took breaks and looked at something else. 15 minutes of text followed by 15 minutes of graphic manipulation. So I worked on illustrations!
DG’s ball gown – I took a long damn time working on this. Yes, that is Zooey Deschanel’s face. I don’t know what had happened to her the day it was taken, but it fit the mood I wanted for the image. Then by the time I finished the rest of the elements for the final painting, this figure didn’t work. Luckily, I found a back shot of this dress to work on the painting illustration and now I’m sharing this version with you.

DG’s emerald tailcoat – I learned a new trick with adjustment layers to change the color of this coat. And I was so glad I figured it out, because flood fill wasn’t cutting it.

DG’s pants – Yeah, I really didn’t need to do these, but I figured what the hell.

A sad attempt at the Tin Man uniform – If have followed Neal McDonough’s career, you know he gets roles with hats. Often goofy hats, which thankfully, Cain’s fedora is not on that list. However, I couldn’t put the domed bobby hat, which was period for most police uniforms, on his head. So it took a while to find an image of a period uniform that had a different hat. I painted the baldric and gun belt on top of it. The gun holster would still tie down to the leg and the uniform tunic would be cut to allow access to the gun.

DG’s first painting – In the first chapter, Cain sees the thirteen paintings DG did for therapy during the annual they were separate. Now I won’t be able to create all of them, *pout* but I’m going to do as many as I can. The first one I got done was Hilltop CafĂ©.

DG’s second painting – healed Papay tree.

DG’s third painting – the mirror portrait. I think I read three articles while working on this one picture. What aggravates me the most still? Besides using a lot of time on the first version of the ball gown that I ended up not using, there are no full-body shots of Zooey dressed as DG and smiling! NONE! Another thing that struck me as odd while I looked is even Glitch wasn’t grinning in the promo shots. That’s not right. I wanted DG the Slipper looking happy, but I settled for her looking resolute.

DG’s fourth painting – the Kansas farmhouse. And I think I have finally figured out the brush strokes art effect feature.

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