Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 2013
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words for part two of draft: 57883
Total words: 116286
What I hate about my writing: Me and the timer do not always see eye-to-eye.
The Good: Found an hour and fifteen minutes today. And had to break the draft into a third part.
The Bad: Really wanted to find more and make up for previous delays.
Fave Cain line: “If I admit thinking wasn’t a factor, would you stop laughing?”
Fave Malachite line: “I still don’t understand what you did.” Malachite rubbed his whisker-covered chin. “You didn’t access that much power to shove Langwidere across the tent.”
Fave DG line: “Like we do anything according to plan. I’m never going to plan anything again. I’ll just say what I want to happen and then try my best.” She nodded sagely, “Decisive mission statements and other people who Murphy likes can do the planning.”
Fave Betsy line: Betsy grabbed her husband’s head and kissed him hard. “You’re thinking too loud,” she told the stunned man. She turned back to Cain and DG with a wink. “We’ll go distract their majesties until supper.”
Fave Jeb line: “Sorry.” Jeb took another deep breath. “I’m lying; I’m not that sorry.”
What I'm looking forward to: Finding Komiko, seeing Raw again, sprinkling some smut in all that, and confrontation with the Queen.
What I'm not looking forward to: Fighting with the %$#%&* graphic program tonight. I was trying to get the last three puzzle pieces into place on the commercial breaks in Desperate Housewives and all the programs I had open on the computer decided to crash at the same time. So I’m still stuck on the original Maguire maps mash-up and haven’t even gotten to correcting the mistakes, much less the fun of turning it into the O.Z.
And had to break the draft into a third part.Yay for surprise twists in the road! :D
Has it been a while since I told you I'm barely containing my enthusiasm for this story?
I don't know if I really need to break it up or not, but I know I get twitchy when Word's page count goes over a hundred. I find the program starts behaving erratically. But I doubt this third part will get close to a hundred pages. I think I have two chapters left to finish everything, and that's only if I don't find a way to make it three so I have an even forty chapters.
Actually, I'll probably stick with two and leave the option open in case there's a too long chapter that needs to be broken.
I also haven't dug out my word counts on other stories, but I think this novel has already won "most verbose." Still I'm glad you're looking forward to it, and hope that the end results dazzle as much as the teasers have.
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