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Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1476
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words for part two of draft: 57883
Total words: 119662
What I hate about my writing: Getting distracted by a new shiny issue that isn’t really an issue and forgetting to sync my files.
The Bad: Yeah, that Maguire distraction: I worked out most of his timeline without having to reread all the books. And now I’m thinking there will probably be a book for to deal with the whole Tip issue. Needless to say, when I started plugging his numbers into what I had already worked out, massive math failure. Which really sucked, because I love the political atmosphere he gives Oz in his books, and I wanted to include it in my fanon.
So it took a while as I was fighting with the map to realize I could keep the events and chunk out the numbers he put with them. Well, keep most of the events, I think Dorothy got stuck much like Ahamo did. It deviates from Baum too, but once Ozma got to the throne, she was able to control travel storms and immigrated Uncle Henry and Aunt Em to the Oz. DG ends up—without having to get crazy with year/annual calculations—being Dorothy and Ozma’s great-great-great-granddaughter. All the other people in the Mausoleum? technically are DG’s ancestors from Ozma’s family tree. Since Dorothy played a critical role in unifying Oz and killing a couple of witches, she was given a burial of honor there. I shortened the times that the Wizard held power and how long Shell is the Emperor Apostle, and changed Ozma’s birth date so not to have to deal with the fact she is supposed to be the same age as Elphaba.
Though if someone wants to take that and run with it, if Ozma the baby was hidden in the magic limbo world that DG met Dorothy in, that could have stopped her aging.
And I also got so busy with the map and waiting and waiting for the program to save or pull up a new tool, I forgot to sync the files. I finally got that done tonight.
Fave DG line: “Do you want to tell him, Wyatt? Or should he wait for Jeb’s I’m-smarter-than-my-father version?”
Fave Cain line: “Central City Palace is the seat of government and home for the current ruler, so that leaves Finaqua and the Northern Palace. But both have such bad memories for you, I just thought you’d prefer the fixitupper with the Grasslands view.”
Fave Raw line: “No. Cain shoot someone, I have to heal. Not fair.”
Fave Kalm line: “Hard for Viewers to be round humans for long time.”
Fave Sprite line: “I do just fine.”
What I'm looking forward to: Confrontation with the Queen. Finishing all the maps! I’m finally on making the corrected Maguire mash-up taking care of the cardinal direction issues. Next would be fitting the mash-up map on the continent of Nonestica, which will become my necessary map from before the Great Upheaval. The yank that map apart for the Great Upheaval and add in the elements from Tin Man to create the map of the O.Z. for DG and Cain’s present. Last two maps needed are Kingsport before the novel and after the events of the novel. Four maps left to do. *Whimper* I said I was looking forward to this? Depending on how insane I get this weekend, I may finish either the text or the maps.
What I'm not looking forward to: Crap, still need to do a little research on Kiamoko’s physical description. I glossed over and I think it was probably attacked. There’s no way that much damage could happen to ruin a castle in around a hundred years without help. Writing the Faulkner paper. Something screwy happening with the computer tonight because it has been happening every night this week, I’ve had a couple of nights off.
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