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Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 2237
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words for part two of draft: 57883
Total words: 121899
What I hate about my writing: I still have to go back and end Chapter Thrity-eight.
The Good: After some unproductive struggling to find the end for Chapter Thirty-eight, I jumped ahead to Chapter Thirty-nine, the one with the 566-word note on how it goes.
The Bad: Missed yesterday.
Fave DG line: “Rebellious exhibitionism?” So this is what glitching felt like, DG decided she didn’t care for it. “I need a travel storm to get Dr. Phil.” She turned to Cain’s impassive poker face. “This wasn’t part of my mission statement.”
Fave Cain line: “I knew his expression would be worth it!”
Fave Raw line: “Humans not like Viewers. Madness can result from being with humans when too young.” Cain’s scarred eyebrow rose, and Raw gestured with his hands before he could speak. “Sprite not mad, odd.”
Fave Glitch line: “DG?” She grinned and he wrapped his thin arms around her in a hug. He closed his eyes. “Oh that was a bad one. Wyatt Cain all dressed up and calling himself a lord.” He squeezed her tighter as he stiffened. “Glitching hasn’t stopped; he’s still dressed like that.”
Fave Azkadellia line: “DG? DG, I’m going to kill him. No killing is too fast. We’ll get some of those zapping prods. Are you ill?”
Fave Jeb line: Jeb clenched his teeth in a manner she was very used to seeing on a different jaw. “Don’t go in without me.”
Fave Queen Galinda line: “Dorothy Gale, have you lost your mind? What under the stars possessed you to arrest a foreign dignitary like that? There are proper channels to deal with incidents. Ambrose, why did you let her do this? How are we ever going to explain it to Aurissau?”
Fave Ahamo line: “What is wrong with her? Somebody do something useful and send for the Royal Alchemist!”
Fave Aedan line: Keep your hands off me!” He snarled, but that didn’t keep the soldiers from grabbing his arms and holding him fast. “Do you have any idea what I could do to you?”
What I'm looking forward to: Finding the ending to Chapter Thirty-eight. Finishing all the maps! The yank the Nonestica before map apart for the Great Upheaval and add in the elements from Tin Man to create the map of the O.Z. for DG and Cain’s present. Last two maps needed are Kingsport before the novel and after the events of the novel. Three maps left to do. *Whimper* I said I was looking forward to this? Right now it’s looking like I’ll finish the text before the maps.
What I'm not looking forward to: Writing the Faulkner paper.
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