Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 3286
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words for part two of draft: 57883
Total words: 125185
What I hate about my writing: Absolutely nothing because I FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT!
The Good: Finished the first draft in four hours and fifteen minutes of writing time today.
The Bad: I’m not sure about the final word count because of editing issues. I always strive to trim about 10% off the first draft, but those aren’t the editing issues I’m talking about. It took all the way until the last day of writing, but I finally fixed a few holes that had been bothering me: like the name for Cain’s base in the Greater Kells.
Fave DG line: “I’ve already had three different confirmations and didn’t even have to go buy a pregnancy test.” She set the teacup on a delicate end table beside the sofa. “So there’s a baby on the way.”
Fave Cain line: “The family who didn’t do anything to gain her trust so she would tell you she was attacked? The family who manipulated her schedule and servants so she couldn’t make any personal decisions about her life? The family who never told her she would never be abandoned again and that getting married didn’t mean she was being banished?” His nostrils flared. “What support did you ever offer your daughter?”
Fave Raw line: “Pregnancy makes all females miserable.”
Fave Glitch line: “What is patient doctor confidentiality?”
Fave Azkadellia line: “I wish I could have seen his face. Ev has always counted on us to side against the Gnome King with our treaties and marriage alliances.”
Fave Jeb line: “So you get paid for buying furniture for someone else? I will never understand the Other Side.”
Fave Queen Galinda line: “Aedan was the only choice! He would have made things easier for her with the court. You don’t think I haven’t noticed how they treat my daughter? With him at her side, they wouldn’t dare snicker at her. What can the Tin Man do, glower them into submission?”
Fave Ahamo line: “I’m going to be a grandfather!” He whooped as he stood up and caught the Queen’s hands, spinning her around. “Our baby girl is having a baby, Galinda!”
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing all the maps! The yank the Nonestica before map apart for the Great Upheaval and add in the elements from Tin Man to create the map of the O.Z. for DG and Cain’s present. Yeah, I went over the screencaps to see if that helped me lay things out. I’m beginning to think that the only instructions the visual affects guys were given on the landscape was “make it not look like Kansas.” So we have mountains and waterfalls galore. Actually that’s not the hard part to work with. Figuring out where to put the Fields of the Papay so the buggers are hedged in by water and the heroes still have the cliff to jump off of, that’s the hard part. I’m proud of how I figured out where the Gap across the O.Z. goes. :D Last two maps needed are Kingsport before the novel and after the events of the novel. Three maps left to do. *Whimper* I said I was looking forward to this?
What I'm not looking forward to: Writing the Faulkner paper, editing this monstrosity of a novel. Seriously, I’m proud of it, but I don’t think I have ever written anything this big before.
I read this last night, about two minutes after you'd posted it, and so yes, that excited girly SQUEE you heard last night was ME, squealing like there's no tomorrow.
I'm happy for you finishing your first draft, you should be really proud! By your projected word counts, it looks like its a beast and I am sure that editing is going to be easy as pie. You've put a lot of work into it, and screw Stephen King and his 10%. :D
Good job, hon! Congrats!
Nah, I'm scared of Stephen's wife. *Snort* Seriously though, the 10% guideline has worked well since I implemented it. I typically use it in sections and the first time I did on a multi-chapter work, I was surprised to find that the math held true.
Now today, I'm dazed in a what-am-I-supposed-to-be-doing-now-that-I'm-not-doing-that way. Which I'm also blaming on the blah of Desperate Housewives. (I adore you, Neal, and totally understand the steady paycheck, but I like it better when my predictions are wrong and the stuff the official writers came up with was better.) Not a good way to start a Monday, but now that Castle is off I can go to bed at a decent time tonight.
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