Progress Bar from Writertopia
Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 63
Edited Chapter One total words: 9363
Total words for the new draft: 9363
Total words for the last draft: 58,916
What I hate: Never having enough time to do what I want to do as opposed to what I have to do. Oh and lawsuits.
The Good: Finished the beat sheet for this story and pegged where I was going wrong. So now I’m going back through what I have already written and making it match.
The Bad: It took a lot longer to get through Chapter One than it probably should have if I had ever had the time to just focus on the chapter and nothing else.
Fave line: Sacrificing innocent sentients for a reason that only works in the murderer’s head is still on my top ten list for why murder is bad, but my last case knocked it down a few spots.
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the editing so I can jump into Chapter Fifteen where it should be and chug away to the end.
What I'm not looking forward to: Plumbing tomorrow. I’m getting a new bathroom sink, which is a yeah. But the time to put it in is a boo.
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