Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 742
Total words for the first draft: 742
What I hate: Catching-up.
The Good: I signed up for the TM Challenge 4th Annual Big Damn Challenge because they said crossovers were okay. The words have been flowing out on this little idea I had been kicking around in my head.
The Bad: Like I didn’t have enough to already write. *headdesk*
Fave Glitch line: “There’s no way to keep a trip across the deserts secret, DG. Not with the levels of protection you’d need.”
Fave Raw line: “Witch hunted healers who refused to join her,” Raw answered.
Fave Messenger line: He didn’t mean to gape, but how did she know?
Fave Cain line: “You better get some tiktoks here before the Council arrives and mucks things up.”
Fave DG line: “When will the doctors get here?” She stomped her foot at the blank stares. “You know, doctors, people who study diseases and how to heal people.”
Fave Jeb line: “So far the Consort and Princess Azkadellia both say they’re okay, and they’re the only ones who aren’t sick or dead in the entire town.”
What I'm looking forward to: Figuring out what the disease is. I need a For Dummies book on infectious diseases.
What I'm not looking forward to: The point where the scenes I have in my head don’t fit with the prompts.
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