Monday, June 13, 2011

Tin Man: Prince Metrics Post 06

DUF: Tin Man: Prince Metrics Post 06
Date: 06/13/2011
Tin Man: Prince of the Outer Zone

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 520
Total words for the first draft: 3058
What I hate: Not accomplishing what I needed to accomplish this weekend.
The Good: Sink was installed and working finally last Monday. In the story, Jeb and Miriam are wishing they had skipped this dinner.
The Bad: I haven’t started on the rough draft of chapter two yet.
Fave Ahamo line: “He has that reaction to every name you’ve tried?”
Fave Galinda line: “Your grandfather was a good man, DG.”
Fave Gruffudd line: “Your nurse doesn’t know when to get the child?”
Fave Cain line: “After four cycles, Prince Junior is starting to sound fine,” Lord Wyatt finished.
Fave DG line: “Ssh, ssh, it’s alright. She wasn’t serious. Don’t worry, we’re going to name you something I can spell.”
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the floor plans for Kiamoko. I think I’m finally at the point where I can start dealing with what rooms are on which floors. Finish the style sheet. Start chapter two. Finding an overall title for the BDPT project.
What I'm not looking forward to: The errands I have to run tonight. 1457 Orleans lawsuits that are the last of the backlog.

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