Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 918
Total words for the first draft: 1660
What I hate: Catching-up.
The Good: Finished the second part.
The Bad: I haven’t started my disease research so I have no idea when I can start posting.
Fave Glitch line: “DG, you’re in charge, you can’t just leave.”
Fave Raw line: “DG desperate, not crazy.”
Fave Azkadellia line: “You can’t let anyone else come in here! They’ll get sick!”
Fave Cain line: “You want me to be a distraction while you take my son to the Other Side.”
Fave DG line: “Earth has no political stake in the O.Z., doesn’t even knows it exists. And there are doctors who only study diseases. I just have to find one with some vacation time and bring him or her here for a working one.”
Fave Jeb line: “And how are you going to do that?”
Fave Hank line: “DG!” He let her go to search her face. “You don’t have that Captain Tripps, do you?”
Fave Emily line:. “Ever since he saw that King Stephen miniseries, he has always been afraid you would catch that.”
What I'm looking forward to: Figuring out what the disease is. I need a For Dummies book on infectious diseases.
What I'm not looking forward to: The point where the scenes I have in my head don’t fit with the prompts.
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