Thursday, April 02, 2015

Signs and Portents: Trinity Metrics 11

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1075
Part One total: 8625
Part Two total: 5162
Author's Note total: 753
Total words for first draft: 14540
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: The plane ride is nearly over, and Lois and Clark know they aren't in on the joke.
Fave line: "Actually, I don't think he wanted me to see him before his disguise was perfected. I chased him up to the roof and all he had was the armor and a ski mask."
What Else I Accomplished Today: Dishes, clothes packing, pet care, and snack buying are done. That leaves bill paying, and vacuuming for Friday morning.
What Else Has Happened: Mom bought more biddies. She finally found a breed that lays white eggs.
What I'm looking forward to: Everyone to make their April plans so I can make mine.
What I'm not looking forward to: Scheduling the crap I have to deal with in April. For some strange reason, everyone else wants my weekends.

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