Thursday, April 16, 2015

Signs and Portents: Trinity Metrics 22

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 263
Part One total: 8626
Part Two total: 6729
Part Three total: 4089
Author's Note total: 768
Total words for first draft: 20,355
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: So my story is not 20,000 words long and I changed all my metrics to reflect what I estimate it will be. Consequently, I barely got any words actually in the story itself.
Fave line: "Because the human race has been so kind to him before?"
What Else I Accomplished Today: Poisoned carpenter ants, did not poison me. Managed to cook without a decent light source.
What Else Has Happened: I got home to a breaker tripped that killed the light on my back porch and kitchen and a carpenter ant infestation in the kitchen. My LED lantern doesn't put out the same amount of light I'm used to.
What I'm looking forward to: A car with functioning air conditioning.
What I'm not looking forward to: The bill for a car with functioning air conditioning. Now spraying down the kitchen to kill the carpenter ants while it's storming and not killing myself in the process. And hopefully, it will stop raining so I can find someone to help me with my electricity.

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