Progress Bar from Writertopia
So I’m still trying to figure out all this work life balance stuff. And why do I always decide that this is a good experiment for December? My alternative seasonal disorder is a topic for another post; what I have so far managed to accomplish is a sane writing deadline.
Write for one hour a day at the computer on whatever the hell I want to work on. I need to have 1133 daily words. I picked Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic to start with, and if I manage to pull off the juggling routine, I may add more to the mix. I added more projects to the Writing Projects list and the length it grew to frightened me. Granted, some projects are still on there because of issues beyond actually writing (editing, posting on website, etc.), so I’m trying not to get overwhelmed. Go to the happy place with the lousy title. If Baum wanted to name the ocean Nonsensical, why didn’t he just go ahead and name it Nonsensical? And it shouldn’t matter except I am drawing a parallel with the title and therefore stuck with the word I hate Nonestic. Oh well, at least, my pirates are fun.
Right, so I calculated at that schedule, I should finish the first draft estimates at 70,000 words long on February 4th. Super! I love that date already. This is only counting words typed and I haven’t put any limitations on what I managed to get done in the notebooks.
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1315
Total words: 1315
What I hate about my writing: Actually, nothing today.
The Good: OUTSTANDING! I got my hour in and went over 1133 words. The marathon says I should finishes on January 27th.
The Bad: Scared that this awesome progress will go away once I have typed everything I have already written.
Fave Cain line: “You haven’t been stationed here long, have you? First thing to learn is the Royals are always in a snit about something.”
Fave Glitch line: “The Queen unfortunately didn’t find DG’s ideas humorous or helpful. I don’t know who was more livid: the Queen because DG wouldn’t obey or DG because the Queen wanted to marry her to that asinine imbecile.”
Fave Azkadellia line: “I hope they taught you more than just how to take a bullet for the Mystic Man in Tin Man training.”
Fave Ahamo line: “Since Galinda isn’t listening, I thought I’d try my hand at playing Sam Spade. But you found Commander Cain, so I’ll hand things over to the professionals.”
What I'm looking forward to: The smut! Actually, I’m quite proud of the smut so far in this one, though I doubt I could ever be a writer in this fandom that can managed to keep DG and Cain apart for the whole entire story. I admire those who can.
What I'm not looking forward to: Ship descriptions. I need to find some diagrams.
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