Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 649
Total words: 9135
What I hate about my writing: Being stuck because of no power.
The Good: Now for chapter two.
The Bad: I could get so much done if I had power. I have heat—that runs off natural gas as well as my stove—but no lights or computer. However, I do have generator. If I don’t see any sign of power today, I’m plugging the generator in so I can get my computer projects dones (or at least moved on). I ended up spending an hour on longhand writing, and only got fifteen minutes typing in once the power came back on at 3pm. It was weird.
Fave Cain line: “Sometimes, you can’t help what you feel.”
Fave DG line: “But there’s so much of the O.Z. I haven’t seen. Western Territories seemed like a good place to start since you were already there.”
What I'm looking forward to: The smut! But it’s still a few chapters away.
What I'm not looking forward to: Project needs a reference guide of ship deck typical layouts. I have found picture references to describe ship scenes, but I have no idea if I have the sections of the ship in proper areas. I also have no clue where the gun desk should go, where the crew should sleep, did I make the Captain’s Quarters too large?
My personal pirate refence books don’t cover ships. Actually, the best one I found was a ship model building book in a library. I’m hoping to refind it again and time photocopy
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