Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1560
Total words: 31154
What I hate about my writing: Didn’t get into bed quite early enough. Blurry eyed typing is always fun.
The Good: They finally made it on board the You and What Navy! I get to start introducing the rest of main cast.
The Bad: Since I’m happy with my progress, I will complain about my current writing notebook. I started off in a large ruled-notebook Moleskin and loved it, but decided to use up some of the collection journals and blank books I have collected before buying more (even though it’s a great size for my purse too). The second journal was okay, but currently I’m using a binder with 8.5 x 5.5-inch paper and I hate it. It does not travel as well as the other two journals did.
Fave Cain line: “Did people on the Other Side understand what you were saying?”
Fave DG line: Wyatt, you are like last on the list of things that scare me.”
Fave Hodges line: “Bastard thinks he can attack a free man.” Hodges backhanded Cain’s face. “I’ll show you what your place is!”
What I'm looking forward to: Getting to the pirate sing-along. Yes, this will qualify as a song fic, but probably not ones people are used to reading.
What I'm not looking forward to: Getting up early so I can work on this and Faulkner.
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