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Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 2100
Total words: 29594
What I hate about my writing: Trying to write during the horrid SciFi cut down of Tin Man. I keep jumping out of the computer chair to go screech at the TV. How could they cut Glitch’s whole bit about dancing? See they left in the fight, which is awesome, but the whole dancing conversation with Cain earlier sets up WHY and WHERE they are having the fight with the Longcoats! Oh, but they left in all the cheesy bad monolouge once DG remembers in the cave. Didn’t chop that conversation. Took out the “lions, tigers, and bears” reference, but left that alone. What’s with chopping all of Glitch’s funny lines? I’m going to bed before they piss me off more.
The Good: Got my hour done. And I think I figured out my transition in the later scene in the long hand. Now I’m just worried if perhaps I’m resolving the DG and Cain tension too earlier. OH, only resolve half of it. Save the other half for later. Let me take some notes. Yeah, that’ll work.
The Bad: Didn’t get it before work and had to squeeze it during lunch and after I got home. I like having it done before I go to work.
Fave Cain line: “Like what you see?”
Fave DG line: “It’s a good thing you weren’t a model for any of my art classes.” DG continued staring at the metal grating. Cain only hummed interrogatively. “You would’ve gotten mobbed.”
What I'm looking forward to: Getting to the pirate sing-along. Yes, this will qualify as a song fic, but probably not ones people are used to reading.
What I'm not looking forward to: Getting up early so I can work on this and Faulkner.
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