Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1769
Total words: 32923
What I hate about my writing: Trying to get the full hour in when my watch accidently resets itself and erases what I already had done for the day. I’d rather use my timer at home.
The Good: Look, more people! Look more characters!
The Bad: Crap, I forgot to cast Sprite. I think it was the make up issue. *Sigh* Well, I have another homework assignment now.
Fave Cain line: “Bossy little girl, aren’t you?”
Fave DG line: I’m having a lovely vacation. We really should thank our travel agent.”
Fave Hodges line: “Looks like a change in location of the buggering.”
Fave Betsy line: “What the hell are you shrill-gorged pignuts doing?”
Fave Sprite line: “Kissy face later. Feed bellies now.”
What I'm looking forward to: Singing! I’m finally to that part.
What I'm not looking forward to: Have to buzz through a movie in order to get the ship plans. Or I’ll have to pay for the plans. I really don’t want to have to pay for research.
Betsy... I love the name Betsy, Betsy doesn't get enough play nowadays. She sounds mouthy, too, I love it!
I love the Elizabethan Insult Generator. Not that I'm watching my language much on this fic, but you get tired of the same old insults after a while.
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