Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1449
Total words: 34372
What I hate about my writing: Not having a definitive ship diagram. I don’t mind making changes to reality, I was actually planing on addressing changes the characters would have made themselves. But I can’t say the ship has a capstan when it doesn’t. So do I pay for the plans or not?
The Good: In the typing, I’m up to Chapter Nine. In the writing, I’m up to Chapter Thirteen. Now I have no idea how long it’s going to take to get pass Chapter Thirteen given the snag I just hit.
The Bad: I really tried to take the day off. It didn’t work. I tried to get the You and What Navy firmly entrenched in my head, including the movie research that I had been putting off for a while. It didn’t work either. So now I’ve moved on to typing because I can’t seem to work on anything else. Hopefully tomorrow will be more normal.
Fave Cain line: “Aren’t you going to help your man?”
Fave DG line: “I’m not a witch!”
Fave Betsy line: “Now the word pirate has so many negative conotations,” Betsy grinned, “I prefer freelance procurement specialist.”
Fave Sprite line: “Sad man very stubborn, Captain.”
Fave Jenkins line: “My vote had always been sail to the other side of the world.” He crossed his arms. “Not that you ever listen to me.”
Fave Spencer line: “There’s another thing, Captain. Cooky lost a bar fight.”
What I'm looking forward to: Trying to make my first sailing ship layout. I don’t want to have to buy the plans, mainly because I don’t want to wait or go back and do more editing than I have to do already.
What I'm not looking forward to: My plot point has hit a physical setting snag. Character-wise, the event is necessary, but it needs to leave Cain and DG (and practically every other crew member) suspicious and unable to prove the suspicions. The boat ain’t big enough for what I was envisioning. *Snarl* Now, I have to go back and re-choreograph what I didn’t have all that choreographed in the first place.
At least, I got Sprite casted. Rachel Convey, also seen on Enchanted.

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