Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 473
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 97545
What I hate about my writing: Worry that I’m going to come up short with the action.
The Good: Longhand notes are all the way up to Chapter Thirty-three.
The Bad: I only typed a little over 15 minutes yesterday. But I do like my DG triumphant scene.
Fave DG line: “We had a deal!”
Fave Cain line: “DG!”
Fave Betsy line: “King Roquat has gone unhinged!”
Fave Malachite line: “More like the whole door is missing.”
Fave Roquat line: “Ozma’s light,” Roquat snarled as his face contorted even more. DG felt the blood drain from her face as the blue flames in his eyes grew brighter. “Did you think I had forgotten the humiliation at the hands of the Royal family of the Outer Zone?” There was no roaring bluster to his voice now, and he didn’t need it. “It is time for that light to be extinguished forever!”
What I'm looking forward to: The big fight and the Nolan Ryan line. *Big grin* Also naming the selected tracks for the soundtrack.
What I'm not looking forward to: All the loose ends to tie up.
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