Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1860
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 101446
What I hate about my writing: I’m not trusting the total right now. I cut and pasted in a lot of notes for the confrontation with Mother scene, and it’s a bit inflated right now. It will even out by the time I get to that scene and delete them as I use them.
The Good: *Cackles madly* Oh yes, this is good. I had to sleep on it, what reward should Cain get that the gnomes could give. Then I got it on the commute. Perfect, and then I thought about how that bit of information could be shared in the confrontation with Mother scene. *Cackles madly again* Ahamo has such good ammunition and he is going to use it.
The Bad: I REALLY need to finish all my maps. Only now I have to do double versions since I didn’t finish the before sets and now I need the afters.
Fave DG line: “My people have suffered for too long with war and oppression, and your people have spent far too long underground. We must set aside past feuds for the sake of the future.”
Fave Cain line: “The Mountain chose you for a reason. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to find that reason, just accept it.” - Yeah, this is a round-about reference to a line used in the trailer and cut out of the movie, which I had referred to earlier. The shot in the trailer has Cain leaning against a tree saying “Seems to me, you were sent through that storm for a reason.” Since it was cut from the miniseries, I decided it must have come up in conversation between Milltown and Central City after they found DG's real mother had sent her to the Other Side but didn't know why. Cain's first counseling session was to tell DG there had to be a reason (he wouldn't dump Jeb in another world without a damn good reason), but right then she needed to concentrate on the finding her mother and not go crazy guessing why. I can see why they would trim it out of the film if that's the intention they were going with, but I figured Cain probably had more to say than "hurry up."
Fave Betsy line: “Nice pitching, Nolan Ryan.” - *Snicker* Actually this fight scene changed from original concept once I found out Neal McDonough played baseball.
Fave Malachite line: “Rock Fort is still moving. Kingsport will give way!”
Fave Kaliko line: “We have never met a Topsider of your mettle before. Your Princess calls you a man of tin. We believe you have been forged of a much stronger ore than that.”
What I'm looking forward to: Getting them to the island, cleaning up the mess, getting more clothes from Quincy *BIG GRIN*, meeting Jeb again, finding Komiko, sprinkling some smut in all that, and confrontation with the Queen.
What I'm not looking forward to: Transitions between all of that. Ugh.
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