Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 3386
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 106152
What I hate about my writing:
The Good: I officially said to hell with most plans for today and intended to concentrate on writing and housework. Well, writing came out ahead. Housework not so much.
The Bad: Two hours and fifteen minutes; it may have gone faster to just do it all at once instead of dividing it up throughout the day.
Fave Cain line: . “Tell me they don’t really talk like this.”
Fave DG line: “How the hell should I know? You’re the only lord I’ve slept with.”
Fave Malachite line: “I know the important questions to ask. Unless you want to take over the Island Navy today.” Betsy shook her head with a laugh. “You think I’m joking? I have to put someone in the position that I can trust and who can lead.”
Fave Betsy line:“Is your Daddy serious?” Treasure put her fingers in her mouth and nodded. “No. Me Commandant?” Treasure nodded again, with a grin slipping out from behind her fingers. “Mal, this isn’t funny. You even have Treasure believing that!”
Fave Kaliko line: “It will never move again, Commander Neptunite, as long as I have say over it.” Kaliko stepped forward into their conversation. “And the gnomes can reshape the stone so it presents no danger of rock slides. That could be completed before the suns set.”
Fave Quincy line: “Sugarcane and his missus!” Quincy breezed in through the door with a trail of servants carrying material following him. “Though a little birdy told me, it’s actually a lord and his princess. Are we setting up in here?”
What I'm looking forward to: Getting more clothes from Quincy *BIG GRIN* though I can already tell this will probably be one of those scenes to get more added to it later especially with Cain’s thought. He’s getting a lot to think about.
What I'm not looking forward to: More image work. I didn’t get to the maps because I got distracted on wardrobe issues. This is what I finally came up with.
DG and Cain are both going to have matching suits along these lines, with probably some variance on the damask design. Admittedly, I went straight to Victorian era for the lines, borrowing coloring from Georgian. For men's clothing, this is a long stable period that only has a few detail changes until after World War I (not precisely sure about that since modern era is not my fashion history era). But black upon more black is too drab for the O.Z.

Elements for Cain's less-formal suit. This is the most conservative Cain, DG, and Quincy agreed on. Hopefully the computer will stop giving me fits and I can do some quick mock-ups of DG's O.Z. woman's pantsuit.

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