Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 317
Chapter Twenty-Two total words: 1382
Total words for the new draft: 94,116
What I hate: It's Tuesday before I get any words established.
The Good: A couple of details worked themselves out when I got to this chapter that I'll have to be sure to emphasize in the second draft. The most important one: ships can't receive communiques while traveling through hyperspace lanes.
The Bad: I need to straighten out my weekends. Ideally, I should have one day for special projects and the second day for rest and writing my fingers off. But lately, I've been cramming in as much special projects as I can do in two days, not finishing the special projects, not resting enough, not writing, and then spending Monday not writing and trying to recover. Must stop doing that. :p
Fave line: "I feel incompetent enough to make up for all their competency."
What I'm looking forward to: Getting a new battery backup so I can work at the home computer again. Playing Say Yes to the Dress with my sister.
What I'm not looking forward to: The long drive to Bossier City.
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