Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words:898
Chapter Twenty-Four total words: 3682
Total words for the new draft: 100,769
What I hate: The fatigue that set in today. I hate that I never seem to have PMS, I always have MS. :p
The Good: Except for additions I have left to write, I'm through with the narrative.
The Bad: I lost count of 1657 words along the way. I'm pretty sure I wrote them, I just have no idea where they got deleted. *Shrugs* I wasn't counting deletions.
Fave line: "I solved his murder; the little Targey owes me."
Details I'll probably need again when editing: Bruise and How do you get a blood clot in your eye to dissolve?,
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling in the six journal entries I need, finding all the places where I skipped book quote sidebars. The end.
What I'm not looking forward to: The end.
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