Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 502
Chapter Twenty-Two total words: 3285
Chapter Twenty-Three total words: 1683
Total words for the new draft: 96,437
What I hate: Write every day; why is that so hard to do!
The Good: I made up what time I missed on Tuesday and now I'm in the middle of fleshing out the climatic battle.
The Bad: Writing is the first thing I don't do at home. I don't like this development. It's made even more disturbing by the fact that I told myself all day Tuesday that I needed to write and I never did.
Fave line: "We already knew we face this enemy alone, Mistress."
What I'm looking forward to: Finish all the projects that are in various abandoned states in my house.
What I'm not looking forward to: Housework.
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