Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 508
Chapter Twenty-One total words: 3507
Chapter Twenty-Two total words: 1065
Total words for the new draft: 93,799
What I hate: Not getting what I bought and paid for delivered with my lunch. I don't eat ketchup. :p
The Good: I finished off Chapter Twenty-One! Now onwards to fixing the location details I got wrong in the already written scene for Chapter Twenty-Two and tying it with Chapter Twenty-One.
The Bad: I'm trying to avoid thinking about how my chapter word lengths are all over the place. Now is not the time to think about that. Here, have a YouTube video of a cat on a ceiling fan and stop thinking about it!
Fave line: "I'm glad to hear the racketeer did something for the side of law and order, Agent. But you have no jurisdiction here."
What I'm looking forward to: Getting a new battery backup so I can work at the home computer again.
What I'm not looking forward to: Paying bills.
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