Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words:226
Chapter Twenty-Three total words: 1909
Total words for the new draft: 96,663
What I hate: Having to refigure out my commute time again. The good news is the three lanes from Juban Lane into Baton Rouge are now open. The bad news is they've started construction to start the three lanes at Walker.
The Good: During supper last night, I brainstormed six additions to expand my climatic fight scene. So far the first two on the list have been hit.
The Bad: Chapter Twenty-Three is all about the fight. I needed additional ideas because my first stab at it came in around 1200 words. So far most of the chapters have been at least 3000.
Fave line: "Should I even bother to offer it?"
What I'm looking forward to: Finish all the projects that are in various abandoned states in my house. Also scheduled for today: a trip to the library and a meat sale.
What I'm not looking forward to: Housework.
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