Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words:257
Chapter Twenty-Three total words: 2575
Total words for the new draft: 97,438
What I hate: I was supposed to write on Stellar for an hour (got thirty minutes), edit Forget for an hour (got thirty minutes), use up some of my earned fun writing (didn't do any of that) today. So what did I get done? Meals cooked for the rest of the week and all the dishes washed. :p
The Good: Words came better today, but I'm still creaky when it comes to writing this story at home. But at least I had better results this weekend than I have had on all my traveling weekends.
The Bad: That whole day of rest thing, the one where I lay out on the couch and daydream? That's not working out so much.
Fave line: That was unfair, he should have to kick the doors in like everyone else.
What I'm looking forward to: Day of rest next Sunday. That means all projects and housework done on Saturday.
What I'm not looking forward to: Next Saturday, so I better do everything I'm supposed to during the week.
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