Friday, June 22, 2012

Stellar Gift of Death Post 217

Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words:304
Chapter Twenty-Four total words: 2435
Total words for the new draft: 99,091
What I hate: Why is everyone breaking my train of thought today?
The Good: I ploughed through the interruptions and have successfully described the surroundings.
The Bad: I really just want to go home right now. Just don't want to be at the paying job any longer today for no real reason.
Fave line: "Find something you want to do. You're on vacation too."
What I'm looking forward to: The beginning of the end. Day of rest next Sunday. That means all projects and housework done on Saturday.
What I'm not looking forward to: Saturday, so I better do everything I'm supposed to during the week.

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