Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 282
Chapter Twenty-Two total words: 1664
Total words for the new draft: 94,398
What I hate:Not doing anything at home because the only distractions there are the ones I create.
The Good: I got my words done despite Ray Bradbury's death. *Lips quiver* I won't cry at work, I won't cry at work.
The Bad: Losing track of my open documents during the day. I thought I had finished this and posted it already.
Fave line: "Message: [Murderer's real name] has been access my reports to IGA to find out how the investigation was going. I just found out that he may have the ability to track my saucer, so the not leaving any reports lately isn't helping us hide from him. He's probably coming straight for you right now. Please put more guards in your house."
What I'm looking forward to: Getting a new battery backup so I can work at the home computer again. Playing Say Yes to the Dress with my sister.
What I'm not looking forward to: The long drive to Bossier City.
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