Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words:294
Chapter Twenty-Four total words: 2729
Total words for the new draft: 99,385
What I hate: Cramps. Why did they have to start today when I have so much to do?
The Good: It's Saturday and I got words done! Maybe I have finally gotten over the no-writing-on-the-weekend thing.
The Bad: I have to stop myself from heaping on more projects. I had the bright idea that I can afford to build my office built-ins next months and started down the rabbit hole of researching that before I stopped myself.
Fave line: "She attempted murder and didn't want to get arrested for it. I also noticed you didn't put in my suggestion to scan the visitors for weapons."
What I'm looking forward to: Lunch.
What I'm not looking forward to: Cleaning the kitchen, which now includes moving furniture.
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