Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stellar Gift of Death Post 82

NPI Day 0: 279 words

Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 279
Edited Chapter Seven total words: 273
Total words for the new draft: 23,732
Total words for the last draft: 58,916
What I hate: Remembering all the errands I needed to run but one and I was in the neighborhood to run it.
The Good: No problems jumping into the draft and getting something accomplished.
The Bad: But this is the reason why I started before the NPI starts on September 1st. Writing at the paying job is possible and productive when I’m dealing with first draft out of my head. When I’m dealing with revising (finding the parts of the previous draft I want to keep and making them work again), it’s not so productive.

”So just use your lunch hour.” The problem is I have to EAT. And since I can be a klutz with food at my desk, I don’t pull out my manuscript until I’m finished eating. That leaves me with about thirty minutes and the above total is roughly what I can do in thirty minutes. I obviously need to pull time from somewhere else to work on the revising part, but I haven’t figured out where yet.
Fave line: “Good, I don’t think there’s enough room in the saucer for a hydroponics unit.”
What I'm looking forward to: What’s coming up in Chapter Seven. Events that happened on two different planets are being shifted to one, Zy and Xeryl’s forced partnership is getting shoved forward to become the first plot point, and I think I have to recount the murders again. My weekend plans: Captain America and Doctor Who. *Snicker* I’m so glad I dropped the time-traveling Nazis from my original big idea about this novel.
What I'm not looking forward to: Paying bills, filing paperwork, and 1095 lawsuits to process.

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