Date: 08/18/2011
Tin Man & Medical Investigations: Alchemy
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 1342
Total words for the first draft: 25424
What I hate: Commute construction.
The Good: Finished Part 29.
The Bad: Why the heck did it take three days?
Fave DG line: “It’s not my fault he crossed over before the eighties.”
Fave Miles line: “Baron Colfer knew what he was doing when he threw the soup bowl at you.”
Fave Connor line: “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”
Fave Azkadellia line: “Why do you all keep making up words? Is it a something that happens when you go through a travel storm? I thought DG was just indulgencing in bratty behavior but maybe she can’t help it.”
Fave Cain line: “Bigger question is did anyone change the punishments when Galinda returned to power?”
Fave Natalie line: “At least five more labs following my recipe.”
Fave Eva line: “We clearly chose the wrong time to take a lunch break judging by how the servants are gossiping. What did we miss?”
Fave Frank line: “So what’s going to happen to Vandervort now?”
Fave Raw line: “Better now. No sickness.”
What I'm looking forward to: Using the copier at the paying job to decrease the amount of papers I have stored at home.
What I'm not looking forward to: 1342 lawsuits. Yes, parishes sent us more, but I’ve been chipping away at them.
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