Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1804
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 72340
What I hate about my writing: Still feeling like crap, but shoulder through it any way.
The Good: And I’m back, mostly. I still don’t have a clear idea of what else I have to do on other projects, but I think my goal planning is done for this one.
I’ve expanded the total word count to 140,000 on the jellied foundation that I was roughly at the halfway point when I hit 70,000. So that puts my estimate of finishing the first draft at the end of May. It may end up going faster or being less, but that’s where I am right now.
So now I have wrapped up the flashback scene of Chapter Twenty-two with only a little bit present day chit-chat between Cain and DG to wrap the chapter up.
The Bad: If I don’t wake up on time, I will never get my dedicated hour done first thing.
Fave DG line: “I’m afraid I don’t conform to anyone’s standards of how a Princess should behave. If it makes your ego feel better, you can blame it on being raised on the Other Side.”
Fave Aedan line: “You won’t even have dinner alone with me, but you let a common Tin Man between your legs for a whole week! I’ll not suffer that, Princess!”
Fave Raw line: “Prince no hurt Cain. How could you think that?”
Fave Glitch line: “We’ve all been there. I think they still tell horror stories about my first ball. I’ll give your excuses. Take care of her, Raw.”
Fave Cain line: “That explains the ball from hell picture.”
What I'm looking forward to: Not spending most of the day feeling like shit. I didn’t think the stress detox would take this long.
What I'm not looking forward to: Having to put the story on hold again. It really didn’t work all that well the last time, and I’d much rather schedule the multi-tasking so that everything gets done.
1 comment:
Seriously, I saw this pop up and I said "Ooh, ooh!"
Hope you get to feeling better soon. Don't worry about things that will keep until tomorrow (but jot down the snippets of brilliance as they come to you during your recovery!)
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