Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1227
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 84834
What I hate about my writing: I’ve caught up with myself. Progress always slows down when I catch up with myself.
The Good: I have today off—yeah! My writing hour is done the quickest it has been done so far all week.
The Bad: I have two appointments of no telling how long they are going to last, which cuts down on me being able to say “I’ll finish everything on the to-do list today.”
Fave DG line: “You better let me go before my husband busts the heads of your partners in mutiny.”
Fave Jenkins line: “You know whose back I’ve got. Always had, always will. You wouldn’t know that kind of loyalty if it bit you on the ass.”
Fave Hodges line: “I just wanted to give you the least painful way out, Bobbins.”
Fave Betsy line: “What did Slate promise you? My ship? A chance to bugger a Princess? Your own island when he makes his empire?”
What I'm looking forward to: Revealing of the sinister plan, meeting the Gnome King, playing his game, reunion with Jeb, the big reveal that astute readers will have guessed probably way back in chapter eighteen, maybe chapter twelve if they know 80s music. And see how people react to the cliffy in Chapter Twenty-six. I’m proud of it.
What I'm not looking forward to: I have to finish a lot on my to do list before I can let myself come back to the writing. Boo.
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