Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 2006
Total words for part one of draft: 57113
Total words: 79331
What I hate about my writing: Actually, writing has gone pretty good. Wish I could say that the cleaning and weeding out has moved as smoothly. I still have no living room, but can honestly say that at least a third of the stuff in the back bedroom I was saving to sell at a garage sale instead of just keeping it to keep it.
The Good: And I’ve made it to the Last Stand of the Tin Men! I’m so proud of this flashback. I like to think that Richard Dreyfuss would relish the stuff the Mystic Man does in it. I also got my fanon notes typed into the Zackverse Wiki, and so tempted to write some of them out as stories—if I could believe myself when I say they should be short.
The Bad: Still haven’t found my astrolabe.
Fave DG line: “And don’t you dare think you can’t come to us for help. And if anyone on this boat thinks you can be over what you went through in a month, they’re idiots.”
Fave Cain line: “I know this song.” He smirked when her eyes grew larger in surprise. “My grandfather used to sing it while he worked in his garden. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna.”
Fave Spencer line: “The crew knows what I survived. The Captain and Mr. Jenkins know everything, but they can’t understand why I’m not happy to be alive.”
Fave Cain flashback line: “Do you really think that would make me feel better? Do you think I like putting my duty to the City and the Tin Men ahead of you and Jeb?”
Fave Adora line: “I’m not asking you to chose. I never have. Trust me to take care of Jeb and you worry about your own neck. And the Commissioner’s neck,” she added right before their lips met.
Fave Thompson line: “Thought you didn’t want to see innocent people hurt.”
What I'm looking forward to: Finding the astrolabe and finish cleaning the back bedroom.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finish writing the mutiny. The problem with cleaning is I can’t play with the notebooks and write more longhand notes.
Edit 3pm: I found the astrolabe! Silly me, I put in my purse bag of things I might need but don't use on a daily basis like a travel hairbrush and extra pens. Now I'm putting it back with the Capt. Storm-blown Kate accesories so I don't lose it again.
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