Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stellar Gift of Death Post 102

NPI Day 17: 4299 words

Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 4299
Edited Chapter Nine total words: 6573
Total words for the new draft: 41378
Total words for the last draft: 58,916
What I hate: My feet and my lower abs hurt. The feet I’m used to, but the lower abs surprised me.
The Good: Finished the new Chapter Nine! And I have the rough draft edits made for Chapter Ten. Nothing like a quiet day at home.
The Bad: I kept doing words to change the stupid marathon counter phrase. It still hasn’t changed.
Fave line: “What kind of black hole floatasm do you think you are; coming in here, busting my inventory, and asking stupid questions?”
What I'm looking forward to: Tomorrow should be quiet too, since most of my chores are done. And crossing fingers, I think I finally found all the computer’s hiccups. I would love to have the rough drafts done for chapters eleven through thirteen before returning to the paying job, but I won’t freak out if I don’t get there.
What I'm not looking forward to: Making my feet sore at the standing desk again tomorrow.


nick said...

Wow, that's like eight and a half pages in a day!

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Chores were caught up and everyone left me along for the weekend. Amazing how much can be done under those conditions. ;)