Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 576
Edited Chapter Eleven total words: 1591
Total words for the new draft: 46102
Total words for the last draft: 58,916
What I hate: Lawsuits. They are real easy to hate right now, especially since more will come tomorrow and I won’t be at the paying job to make the number decrease.
The Good: I worked on Chapter Eleven and I’ll have time while waiting for traffic to lessen to work on the rough draft stuff tonight.
The Bad: I just reread Chapter Twelve and realized the information given in that scene shouldn’t move up a chapter, so I don’t know where the scene is going to go next.
Fave line: “Is that how he strangled you? Someone you trusted wrapped their hands around your throat?”
What I'm looking forward to: I’m taking the day off tomorrow!
What I'm not looking forward to: To get my car fixed, so not because I emptied the lawsuit basket or got a holiday or something fun like that.
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