Stellar Gift of Death
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New words: 373
Total words for Chapter 10: 2309
Total words of first draft: 40,586
What I hate about my writing: Hate? There is no hate. Today was awesomesauce!
The Good: When we last left our intrepid shero*, her informant had just been shot and she and Mealte were scrambling to keep the murderer from fleeing. Now I'm in the middle of the scene where she gets to confront the murderer for the first time. I have twenty-one chapters outlined, so yes, this is the part where he gets away to commit more dastardly deeds.
The Bad: My job for the weekend is to get all the background notes into the wiki. I don't want to lose what details I have already. I'm peeved at the timer I bought. Lifehacker had a great tip on making a cheap light alarm clock, so I bought a Brinks analog timer. I sleep through audio alarm if I'm tired enough, but I don't sleep through light. It worked once, turning the lamp on Sunday. I adjusted it to come on earlier, and it hasn't worked since. I'd take it back to the store only I threw out the box already. *headdesk* So I also would like to get that working this weekend.
Fave line: She knelt beside him and didn’t breathe until his pulse brushed against her fingers on his neck.
What I'm looking forward to: Actually having all the working notes in one location. I opened a different binder today and found notes on Mealte that I have no idea if I duplicated somewhere else.
What I'm not looking forward to: Figuring out which computer files of chapters four and five is the keeper. :p
*I pronounce heroine just like the drug, so I really don't like using the word anymore. And it always makes me think of Gothic characters with heaving bosoms. Zy would cackle madly if anyone mistook her for one.
It sounds like your 'heroine' would be someone I would like;0)
I hope readers like her. *crossing fingers*
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