Stellar Gift of Death
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 290
Chapter Eleven total: 3654
Total words for the first draft: 44,599
What I hate about my writing: Words did not want to crawl out of my brain this morning.
The Good: We're off to see the conclave!
The Bad: What do you mean, I forgot to name the alien species?
Fave line: “All those IGA rules are good for something, right? You know exactly what I can do and can’t do without getting into trouble.” Zy tried to step around Xeryl, but his arm blocked her path closer to Riteno. “It’s obvious that someone has called a meeting. Either I’m supposed to go or not. So can you ask tentacle face which one it is and get a location so we can proceed with the investigation?”
What I'm looking forward to: A little role reversal. Calm and collected is usually Xeryl's forte, but it's hard for even him to do when somebody he hates is holding a gun to his head. Zy will need to keep her easily frayed temper in check to get them out of this.
What I'm not looking forward to: Alien biology and names. Need more names. *headdesk*
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