Stellar Gift of Death
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 313
Chapter Twelve total words: 539
Total words for the first draft: 46,966
What I hate about my writing: Panic attacks.
The Good: I finally got the word count in.
The Bad: I spent my morning half-four of writing time trying to edit for a submission deadline. Which then triggered the panic attack of submission. Then I had to go to the paying job and still managed to give myself therapy before lunch. Lunch working on Stellar Gift of Death. Then back home working on Stellar Gift of Death. Now my body is stressed out from the panic attack and it's making my head hurt, or I'm getting a cold. And the scene sucks.
Fave line: His expression shifted from peeved to concerned fast enough to give someone whiplash. “Do you need to go back to the medical center?”
What I'm looking forward to: Hell if I know. Maybe it's time to formally profile the killer. Or a let's review the facts of the case scene. Right now I have no idea where the investigation is.
What I'm not looking forward to: Tomorrow.
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