Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stellar Gift of Death Post 41

NPI Day 10: 446 words

Stellar Gift of Death

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 446
Chapter Eleven total: 3072 words
Total words for the first draft: 44,017
What I hate about my writing: It's so slow to compose on the computer.
The Good: It didn't take a whole hour to get today's word count.
The Bad: Does this mean I have bad time management skills?
Fave lines: Zy chewed on her bottom lip before answering his question. “He claimed it was for retribution, but it was also helping out the galaxy. That falls under mission-oriented.”

His hands grabbed her shoulders again, pulling her out of the poorly-lit corridor of last night. “You talked to him?”
What I'm looking forward to: The conclave! And finishing the edits to "Covenant of the Restless" so I can work on notes.
What I'm not looking forward to: I actually did work on the notes because Zy and Xeryl started talking about serial killer theory and I had to work it in. But that was new notes and not the pile of papers I need to put in the wiki. *headdesk*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great progress! Keep going :D