Stellar Gift of Death
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 304
Chapter Twelve total words: 2009
Total words for the first draft: 48,436
What I hate about my writing: The characters keep glancing at me with those "give us something to do" expressions.
The Good: It scares me how well organized I was when I last put everything concerning this story. I found the last of the stuff to put in the wiki, the notes on the romantic scene, etc.
The Bad: I haven't put anything into the wiki yet today. And while there's nothing wrong with my notes, I think I outlined romance too early in the narrative. Considered that shoved back for now and maybe that'll jar loose the jam.
Fave line: “It’s not a relationship I’m proud of or would want to repeat. Bailingi was a trial worthy of any IGA prosecutes. And if you are concerned about comparisons, don’t be. One of the factors I find attractive in you is that you are capable of considering things beyond your own desires.”
What I'm looking forward to: Getting ahead of myself. If I had a few pages of handwritten notes to see where this scene is going instead of groping with the words on the computer screen....
What I'm not looking forward to: Getting ahead of myself. I feel absolutely drained of motivation to do anything and everything.
Screw it. I have laundry and dishes to finish. Once those chores are done, I'm curling up on the couch with a movie marathon while I look for more songs to inspire. I'll be back tomorrow.
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