Stellar gift of Death
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 306
Chapter Eleven total words: 4286
Total words for the first draft: 45,231
What I hate about my writing: Today's the first day I've had to leave my house before I got the daily word count. O.O I don't like depending on lunch hours because I am flaky when it comes to writing at lunch hours.
The Good: I got it and then some ahead in the notebook. Hopefully tomorrow won't feel like pulling teeth.
Non-Writing Good: I found how to turn my ringer off for the damn telemarketing call that is scheduled for 8pm and 8:30pm.
For those who don't know, I get up at 3am to get housework and writing (and exercise hopefully) done before going to the paying job because by the time I get home I'm too tired for any of that. The trade off: I go to bed at 8pm, though with the way the sun is setting, it's been about 7:45 this week. This means I'm about to pay my admission to the Land of Nod when the DAMN TRILLING PHONE catapults me to my feet in the start of the lurching drunken dance to ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE! All repeated thirty minutes later. I don't dare not get up and see who it is because various relatives and various states of health, it could be summons to a hospital. However, thanks to this fun game, I haven't been crawling out of bed until the light absolutely makes me and that's 3:45am for some unexplainable timer reason.
Answer: turn off the phone *maniacal laughter* and tell my parents to beat my door down if it is the above medical emergencies.
The Bad: The conclave scene, *pout* I don't think it's nearly menacing enough. I want it to be menacing.
Fave line: “I am IGA Agent Zy assigned to investigate a murder Xeryl reported.” She crossed her legs primly and met his crafted gaze. “Unfortunately, the murderer remains at large and hasn’t stopped killing. There are no reproductive relations between me and Xeryl.” (Yeah, another racketeer implied that and this is Zy clearing that up nicely.)
What I'm looking forward to: Getting back to the investigation after this diversion.
What I'm not looking forward to: Alien creation. I don't remember aliens being this nerve-wracking before.
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